悟思沙龍 5C Salon 回 Episode 1

西學東漸 West to East

悟思沙龍 5C Salon  第一回  Episode 1


West to East: LSE and Chinese Liberal Thoughts

Date: 1 Apr 23 3.30-6pm

倫敦經濟學院(LSE)由幾位富社會改革思想的英國知識人創立於19世紀末,一直吸引著來自世界各地的學子前來求學問道。其中在1920年代到二次世界大戰之後,LSE的不少思想家,例如政治學的Harold Laski,經濟學的F A Hayek,哲學的Karl Popper,以及LSE的前院長William Beveridge,他們對不少五四以來包括香港在內的中華地區的知識人,例如羅隆基、傅斯年、周德偉、殷海光、林毓生等在思想上和政治實踐上產生了具大影響。今次沙龍,讓我們回顧這些影響和其中的意義。

The London School of Economics (LSE) was founded by leading social reformers of Britain in the late 19th century and has since attracted talented students from all over the world to come to learn from its scholars for the betterment of society. From the 1920s to the post-War era, leading LSE thinkers such as the political scientist Harold Laski, the economist F A Hayek, the philosopher Karl Popper and former LSE Director William Beveridge influenced the ideas and political practice of many May-fourth and post May-fourth intellectuals in the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong (e.g. Luo Longji, Fu Ssu-nien, David Chow, Yin Hai-kuang and Lin Yu-sheng). This talk proposes to review this influence and to explore its significant implications.

Dr. Chor-yung Cheung

Dr Chor-yung CHEUNG retired in July 2022. He has worked in academia, the civil service and the media. Chor-yung obtained his BA from the University of Hong Kong, MPhil from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and PhD from the University of Hull. He now spends his time between London and Hong Kong.


張楚勇博士於2022年7月退休。退休前曾任職大學教師、公務員、傳媒編輯。張氏本科畢業於香港大學,並在香港中文大學和英國University of Hull先後取得碩士和博士學位。目前他分別在倫敦和香港居住。