悟思沙龍 5C Salon 

<一頁舟 ・ 悟思沙龍>







<一頁舟 ・ 悟思沙龍>

<一頁舟>珍惜實體聚會,欣賞人與人的互動及理念啟發。計畫在2023年4-6月及9-11月期間,在倫敦 Belsize Park 圖書館,每月舉辦一次實體沙龍。沙龍會𨘋請學者、專家或資深從業員擔任講員,擬定一個題目,由淺入深,鑑古知今。沙龍亦會締造討論平台和空間,讓參與者自由討論,互相交流學習。

5C Salon @Gathering Leaves

Here and Now in UK

In the last couple of years, many Hongkongers, like us, have come to settle in the UK.  Is the UK our home?  How can we affectionately identify ourselves with this country?  

Gathering Leaves Hong Kong believes we can be here to help.  

In the coming months, we will organise a Salon named “5C Salon”, which stands for Convergence of Cultures, Conversation, as well as Connection with the Community. 

The “5C Salon” will be hosted by different speakers from Hong Kong with academic and professional backgrounds.   The first series will start from April to June, and the second one will be from September to November 2023, in Belsize Community Library. 

Series 1: Humanity and Modernity

London has always been “the place” for the development of political theories, liberal thoughts and modern ideas, all of which we can explore more here.  

In the very first series, we will focus on the topic of Humanity and Modernity. Values on the rule of law, social welfare and media cultures that make the UK and the world today will also be covered.   

悟思沙龍 第5回 - 異域、我城、 山城

5C Salon - Episode 5 - Foreign Land, My City, Mountain City

3 September 2023

5C Salon - Episode 4 - Spirit of common law

2 September 2023