最新活動 Upcoming Events

"What's your Name?" Workshop

3 - 31 Aug 2024,       

4 to 6 pm

at Belsize Community Library & Studio 8

An Afternoon of Music with Saidosi 

13 Jul 2024,       

3 to 5 pm

at Belsize Community Library

Place Writing Workshop

8 Jun 2024,       

11:30am to 1:30pm

at Studio 8

由2022年4月成立開始,我們已舉辦多項不同的活動,聯繫香港人及社區。當中有文化活動家庭活動,旨在分享及承傳香港文化,植根英國。每個星期, 都有不同年紀的本地人及香港朋友, 到來閱讀及借書, 看電影, 傾談等等; 隨著不同人仕在同一個時間相遇, 往往能產生不同的活動, 不同的氣氛, 可能有不同的新啟發。

如想跟進我們的活動日期,請按下列 Eventbrite 鍵,追蹤我們。

Since our incorporation in April 2022, we have organised quite a few number of events, aiming to connect HK people here in UK, as well as promoting and preserving our HK culture.    Every week, locals and Hong Kong friends of different ages come to read and borrow books, watch movies, have a little chat with each other….   Every person we met has a story to tell, an opinion to voice and a dream to share.  And the gathering place serves as a conduit for different community experiences.

To learn more about our upcoming events, you can also follow us on Eventbrite by clicking the button below.